OPEN-day and integration into city days for Airplane Group of Companies
  • Period
  • Task
    Integration of the company Airplane in the days of the city of Krasnoe Selo and Kolpino, as well as OPEN-day for residents of the village. Pesochny

    The purpose of the events is to get acquainted with the Airplane brand and form its positive image, as well as to collect contacts of potential buyers
  • Decision
    Collecting leads
    Installation of zones, photo zones and equipment
    Preparation and production of branded retroreflectors, as well as branded water and lollipops
    Implementation of the work of the staff at the event: DJ, promoters, presenter, aquagrimers, cotton candy station, as well as site assistants
  • Results
    A large number of contacts of potential buyers were collected.
    Positive feedback from event guests
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